June Update and Modern Baby Quilts For Sale.


Winter has arrived here..and it always throws me!

So it is a while since I posted…here is a pic of our beach

with the wind coming directly up from Antarctica.

                                                                                                 Raumati Beach..looking south into the wind.

                                                                                                Raumati Beach..looking south into the wind.

I have been sewing though and have a few things to show off,

including a couple of modern baby quilts

which are for sale in my Etsy Store.

Another small "Alice In Wonderland" quilt has arrived..

Alice In Wonderland Baby Quilt.

Alice In Wonderland Baby Quilt for sale.   

 Alice In Wonderland Baby Quilt for sale.


Also a "Happy Birds and Animals" quilt has been fun to make

based on a block by Angela Pingel in the "Modern Blocks" book

complied by Susanne Woods.

Modern Baby Quilt by SalsySafrano Quilts.

Modern Baby Quilt by SalsySafrano Quilts.

Modern Baby Quilt by SalsySafrano Quilts.


Modern Baby Quilt by SalsySafrano Quilts.

A bit of a photo overload….more in the next post!



Simply Solids Bee: April Fallow Group Progress.



Simply Solids Bee:

April Fallow Group Progress.


Some lovely parcels have been arriving in the post

each with a surprise pack of a block sewn by one of the Fallow group members.

I say surprise as I couldn’t remember who got which colours 

and each block is different.

Here is the progress…

Fallow Group Blocks Are Gathering 

 Two more blocks have arrived..I am having trouble keeping up with who’s is who’s!





To Boston With Love.



 AS I was enjoying Red Pepper Quilt’s latest post….

I was inspired by Rita’s lovely  banners she sent to the

Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild’s initiative…..and I quote from their site…

"“To Boston With Love” is a collaborative effort of makers to bring peace and love from far and wide.

What we’re planning is a public exhibition of flags strung into banners that will be displayed in Boston – hopefully by early June 2013. "

Thanks Rita for sharing and inspiring.

My contribution has been made from upcycled men’s shirt pockets.

To Boston With Love

I will post them off tomorrow.




More About Bunting



Following on from my recent addition

of Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly banner

and the Gourmet Quilter’s celebratory 100th YouTube video


 I have ventured to make my first bunting.

First Bunting

Fun With Bunting

Selvedges and cut offs make great bunting.

The top ones have been made with Japanese Linen/Cotton and are filled with batting.

They have a lovely weight to them.

 The lower one is made from selvedges as the tape, with off cut triangles used for the flags.


I have also received Camilla’s /Faffling’s completed block for the April Simply Solids Bee

and two is now three…My computer is having loading issues so will add the photo later.






Daring Greatly



For some time I have been a follower of Dr Brene Brown

and was thrilled to see that not only she made it

on to Oprah’s show on the OWN Network,

but she was so great

that Oprah made TWO shows with her.


Her new Daring Greatly banner does after all have bunting on it!



It made me think about how we all Dare Greatly here online.

For some it is easy, for others each step is a challenge.

Getting a blog going at all is a leap in itself, let alone letting anyone else see your work.

Trying a new technique, joining an online group, joining a bee are all daring things for some of us.

A few days ago I was having a coffee with a new friend and colleague.

She was complimenting me on my quilts and we discussed

how they were after all an expression of my own healing journey.

I told her of a banner that I had on my site in the widget bar that linked to Dr Brene Brown.

The banner said "Creativity Develops Authenticity"  I took it to heart.

My friend started giggling…it turns out that she is waiting for her copy of Brene’s book

Daring Greatly to arrive in her own letterbox.


 Check it out here

let me know how you have Dared Greatly recently.


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My First Bee!!

Simply Solids: a modern {bee}

Creativity Develops Authenticity.

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