My how the days race by…
A wee update on sewing proceedings here.
First of all it was so exciting to receive my first block
from the first fellow member of the Fallow Group
in the Simply Solids Modern Quilting Bee.
This was a first also as it is my first Bee.
As I am the April Group Leader, when all the blocks come in I will have the fun of making this joint-effort quilt.
Kate from Modernbasics1 (flikr name) sent her block and the following photo shows mine and hers together.
Many thanks Kate!
Do you think they like each other?
Kate’s is the one on the left with the lovely blue in the center.
Meanwhile also I have whipped up another small quilt for sale. Inspired by the wonderful Fly Away
fabric designed by Amy Schimler for Robert Kaufman I have compiled a handmade patchwork quilt "Fly Away".
I will list this quilt in my Etsy Store..SalsySafrano Quilts… very shortly.
Happy to report that this quilt is now in the shop at Stitchbird Fabrics thanks to Lyndy:
Also it is time for the Craftsy Spring Sale. Starting April 5th through to April 8th,
a different set of Craftsy Classes will be on sale each day,
up to 75% off their normal price. Don’t see the class you want.?..check back the next day….
a fresh pick of courses will be on sale. Saturday will have the most classes on sale.
Have fun