Celebrate back To School Days – Quilters Blog Hop Party.



 Celebrate Back To School Days

– Quilters Blog Hop Party.

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways


Thanks to Michele at Quilting Gallery I am opting in to join the Blog Hop Party to Celebrate Back To School Days.

Lots of fun visiting others’ sites, making new quilting blogger friends, and lots of FAB GIVEAWAYS to enter.

So follow the link here or on the banner above to find your way to the party, 🙂


Just today I was excited to open a parcel from Lori at Stitches N’ Giggles that I had ordered just a short time ago.

A jelly roll from Moda Fabrics of Lucy’s Crab Shack by Sweetwater.

In fact this is my first ever Jelly Roll!

I have been eyeing this up for some time and happened to see it on sale.

Just love the bicycles, beach gear on the line, numbers, flowers etc.  Just a great beach holiday feel.

So for my Giveaway I have decided on 8 of these yummy strips of fabric…in the "orangesicle" range, for the lucky winner.

The giveaway will be open until September 3, and I am happy to post anywhere in the world.

Just enter a comment on my site and you will be in to win.

 Any facebook likes, shares, tweets, site following will of course be greatly appreciated.

Have fun.


Stitches N’ Giggles and SalsySafrano Quilts Giveaway Winner…YAY!



A big THANKYOU to those of you who entered the giveaway

for the gorgeous Ombre Dots.

Thanks of course to Lori at Stitches N’ Giggles

for her generosity.

A huge thankyou too to Rita over at Red Pepper Quilts

 who shared about the giveaway on facebook and twitter.

My partner drew the winning ticket out of the hat

(so much more fun than random number generators),

especially for a little draw such as this.

So..who won?

The lucky April from polkadotsparrow.com.  What a cute and appropriate name for a bunch of dots.

I hope you find the time to enjoy these April..and of course we would all love to see what you do with them. 

Your prize will be sent directly to you by Lori.

Meanwhile I am looking forward to getting on with my own next creation.  Other things have been taking priority of late.

Later this week I hope to get my act together to join in the Quilting Blogger Blog Hop Party.  It was fun last time.

See you soon.


Time For A Giveaway!



Well the time has been racing by

and I have had a bit of a blog-block.

..That is..writing my own…

I seem to have lots of capacity for visiting other people’s blogs,

being awe inspired at what these talented people are doing,

and then not knowing quite where to start on my own stuff

It must be time for a giveaway to get things going again.

A few things extra have been happening here, including having a virus or two strike me down for a while…well it is winter after all.

 The blessing of that has been I have been able to indulge in Olympic Watching without much guilt at all.

I feel so left behind all those fabulous athletes and their abilities..it leaves me feeling like I don’t know where to start…with anything.

 Woops, there is a theme here..it IS the end of winter after all.

Thanks to Lori at Stitches ‘N Giggles there is some brightness on the horizon.

A fabulously generous giveaway of a HALF YARD BUNDLE of Ombre Dots by Riley Blake.  Oh boy, I wish I could win this bundle.

Also Lori is having a fab END OF SUMMER SALE at present as she makes room for new ranges arriving soon.  Do go and check it out.

Who wouldn’t want to add a few chevrons to their stash after all???

SO..how to enter??

Just leave a comment on this post after you have become a follower…let me know.

A second entry will be counted if you tell me what you have ordered from Lori in her sale.

 If you haven’t shopped with Lori before…she gives terrific service.:)

Also, what about letting us know what you will be getting on with after the Olympics are over.

The lucky winner will be drawn next Friday.

Enjoy..and good luck.


Mug Rugs



Wet, wet, wet it is today!  So a bit of sewing is in order.

I have been inspired recently by Candace at SaltWaterQuilts

to make mug rug..or two…

Thanks Candace.

Having just received another delicious bag of pockets from 3 Wise Men what could I do but make some pocket-shaped ones?

These mug rugs have cotton batting in them.



And then there is the organic cotton option…with Daisy Janie Shades of Grey, backed with a cotton shirt pocket.  Cool!

Here is the back…

What do you think?  I have opted for the bagging out method here rather than the binding..even faster.  I am sure I’ll feel more creative at some stage, but I do rather like the pocket shape intact.

These would make great gifts for that office party, the new job, or just something smart for home.

They are available in my Etsy Store.


First ATCs.



A few weeks ago I sent off my first ATCs

(Artists Trading Cards).

I ended up making two series of four..and they tended to have an upcycled/organic theme to them.

They were made as part of the online swap of ATC’s organised by Michele at Quilting Blogger.

These four were named "Organic Upcycle" 1-4.  They were crafted using upcycled men’s  cotton business shirt pockets from 3 Wise Men, and organic cotton from the Daisy Janie Shades of Grey range (available from my Etsy Store).

ATCs by Salsy Safrano Quilts.  Two of each series are pictured here. "Organic Upcycle" on the left and "Warm Organic Hearts" on the right.  The latter two are crafted from upcycled wool blankets and organic cotton from Daisy Janie.

The other two of each series have been sent off across the world to my ATC swap partner.





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